You’ll Never Find Her, Sheriff.
Jack reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small notebook, he spent a lot of time flipping through the pages trying to see if he could build up any kind of energy within Moses. He finally looked at a page that was actually blank then glanced back up a Moses and said, “Twenty-one.”
For just a second, that seemed to catch Sam by surprise. It was fleeting, but it was there, he was sure of it. That was not the number he expected. But as quick as the surprise was there, it was gone again. He leaned back in his chair, looking amused.

This is Jack.
Jack was quiet, just standing there on the phone, breathing, listening to the dogs rummage through the garbage.
Finally, the other voice spoke again. “Sheriff, you comin’?”
“Don’t call me sheriff, Mike.” He took another deep breath, “Yeah, I’m comin’. I’ll call when I get close.”
“Okay, Sheriff. You’ll see the circus once you cross the bridge.” Mike hung up the phone before he could correct him again.